ACT is partnering with local filmmaker Scott Eggleston to produce a short film, “Awkward Love Scene”. His last project was the scifi/horror/mystery feature film "Bad Bones" (2022) which was shot here in Anchorage and can be found on YouTube, Tubi, Amazon, AppleTV, Plex and other streaming platforms. See below for information on the project and the characters we’re casting.

Auditions will be held June 30 from 6 pm at Anchorage Community Theatre, 1133 E 70th Ave.

Casting Call!

Looking to cast two local actors for the comedy/farce short film "Awkward Love Scene" to be shot in Anchorage on July 15-16. The two roles are as follows:

(female, 20-30s) - strong-willed actress looking for her big break. Used to be married to Andrew. Must be able to use a British accent and perform light stunts.

Andrew (male, late 40s-50s) - over-confident actor who easily gets his feelings hurt. Used to be married to Stephanie. Must be able to use a British accent and perform light stunts.

There is no pay, but copy and meals will be provided. Click this link for audition sides.

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